Time to start fresh
Whether you love a new start or not, most can agree that when a new year rolls in there is an itch to get things in order. Decluttering, organizing, and cleaning at the beginning of a year can make you feel accomplished and ready to take on the world, and many influencers, blogs, and websites have created challenges to help you with those clean up and clean out goals. The only issue is, they are weeks long, time consuming, and down right hard to finish. So, we’ve come up with a quick 4 day New Year Refresh checklist that you can do with us this week or whenever–no pressure.
Let’s get started!
Day 1

Fridge + Freezer
We put this one first because, well, it’s the worst in our book. But it’s time. Take everything out of your refrigerator and freezer, deep clean those babies, and throw out that takeaway box you had no clue was hiding in the back for who knows how long. Toss expired foods/sauces, too. Now, your ice chest is sparkling clean, there’s no longer a questionable odor when you open the fridge for the 10th time in a row to see if new snacks magically appeared, and you have the perfect place for your chilled hairspray, er, we mean, La Croix sparkling waters.
Day 2

Under the Sinks
Under the sinks! Darling it’s better when there’s no clutter, take it from me! (To the tune of Under the Sea from the Little Mermaid).
We’re Disney fans here, as you can tell, and singing a little tune always helps decluttering feel more fun, right? It’s already Day 2 of our New Year Refresh–about halfway done! Today we are tackling underneath our sinks. Pick one sink that needs a good cleaning or go crazy and clean out from under every sink in your home. Whether you organize one cabinet or five, it’s an accomplished feeling once you’re done, take it from us.
Day 3

Clean your Drawers
We’re back with Day 3 of our short and sweet New Year’s Refresh. Today is the 5 drawer challenge. Pick any 5 drawers in your house that need sprucing and go to town. Get rid of the unnecessary and tidy up the rest. Maybe you’re feeling motivated after those 5 are organized. If so, choose 1 more drawer at a time and stop whenever you feel like it. We are all about no pressure over here. Guess what? Only one more day after this one! You’re doing it!
Day 4 – The Final Day!

Get Ruthless
You did it! It’s the last and final day of the New Year Refresh challenge! This is probably the first time that we’ve ever finished a resolution so quickly and without giving up multiple times. We are decluttered and inspired, and hope you are too. Today is actually a pretty fun one, you get to throw stuff away. Accumulated stacks of paper that you haven’t looked at in the last 6 months are not needed, and you can finally find the willpower to toss the empty containers in your shower. So grab a big trash bag, wander around your place and put the garbage where it belongs. It’s therapeutic, yeah?